Summer is just about over and it’s time to get things back into full swing with our adult Learning Program and welcome new players wishing to take up the bagpipes and drums.
Coming back for the tenth season of group lessons are our primary instructors, Garth Newlands and Mitch Clarke on the bagpipes and Robert Millar on the drums. We have openings for another piping instructor and drum instructor starting in mid-September. If you are interested get in touch with us at secretary@chcpb.ca to find out more. We have an immediate opening for a drum instructor.
All the details for our Learning Program can be found at https://chcpb.ca/learn-to-play/ the structure of our program is group lessons, this allows you to learn with other adults at a fraction of the cost of private lessons and has the advantage of playing in a group much like what you will experience later on playing with the pipe band.
We are taking registration now and there is no set start day so you can begin your journey at any time.